What we do

Making the waterways more accessible for all

Fully independent of all waterways authorities, the Accessible Waterways Association (AWA) has been set up to inform, represent, and assist people who live with disabilities, impairments, or any other accessibility issues, and who want to enjoy the Inland Waterways and their surrounding environments in the same way everyone else does. This may be as a boater (either living aboard or holidaying), hire-boat owner, angler, cyclist, gongoozler, walker/wheeler on the towpaths, or a volunteer or staff member of any of the many waterways authorities.

Lack of awareness is a serious issue that we face – along, of course, with financial constraints. We shall campaign to ensure that accessibility issues are at the forefront of any and all new and remedial works. Often, simple and cost effective solutions can be put in place at the time when works are being done. Inclusion can also attract additional funding.

Government guidelines state:

“Inclusive design requires that the needs of all disabled people are considered from the outset of any transport and pedestrian infrastructure, including maintenance…”

* Link: inclusive-mobility-a-guide-to-best-practice-on-access-to-pedestrian-and-transport-infrastructure.pdf.

Whilst we accept that this does not mean that everything can be made fully accessible, the onus is on those planning the work to start with the accessible solution. They would then need to justify the case should it then prove unviable or impossible.

Please see our introductory video:

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